Dangerous Tree Defects - Root Damage
Root rot is a main concern with tree stability. The roots anchor the tree. Without the root system the tree would not be able to stand upright. Tunneling or trenching to install irrigation, gas lines, drainage lines, and cable lines severs and compromises the root system. The closer the trench is to the trunk of the tree the more severe the root damage. Trees with compromised root systems are more prone to be wind thrown. Root damage can be caused by many other practices. Construction is a major problem of root damage. The installation of driveways, new landscapes, or additions to homes are just a few practices that injure tree roots. Damage to tree roots can cause fungi to enter the damaged roots which cause decay. The decay further compromises the roots ability to properly anchor and support the tree. The decay can also slowly move up into the base of the tree. The most common signs of root damage are dead and dying...